Our Mission & Vision


Love the Lord God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself. All the Law of the Prophets hang on these two commandments (Matthew 22:36-40). Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and teaching them to obey everything commanded you. And surely I am with you always (Matthew 28:18-29).


As we embrace and fulfill our mission, we will enhance and build God's Kingdom in the following ways and as God gives further directions and enlightenment.

God's church will be:

  • Bible Literate. Bible classes from the beginner level to advanced.
  • Spirit-Filled. When we release our will for God's will, the power to live a holy victorious life and be a fruitful witness for Christ comes directly from the Holy Spirit who lives within us.
  • A Praying Church. Prayer changes situations, circumstances, and people.
  • A Tithing Church. God asks that we give 10% of our income to support the church and its various ministries.
  • Progressive. We remain open to a new ideas and methods to reach and minister to people.
  • Politically Aware and Active. All the institutional systems that we rely on are political in nature: education, health care, housing, police, fire, sanitation department, etc. Politics control their funding. and staffing
  • Love Centered. Our doors are open to whosoever will come through them. We are all God's children and He loves each of us the same.
  • God Fearing & Bible Believing. We are in awe of the sovereignty, majesty, and love of God for us. And, we believe and live our lives according to the truths given in His Word.
  • Community Conscious. Concerned and involved with issues that affect the community
  • A Church That Walks By Faith Not By Sight. We can accomplish anything and everything through Christ. There is no task too difficult and not goal unreachable.


Within the above context and formation, being led and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we will have a/an:

  • Live Stream Broadcast Ministry. A broadcast that goes into the prisons, jails, nursing homes, shelters, and community at large and brings hope, encouragement, and salvation to the least, the lost, the left out, forgotten and minister to our sick and shut-in members.
  • Outreach Ministry. Persons are trained in ways and methods to share the gospel and their personal testimonies.
  • After School Program. A place for youth to be mentored, counseled, respected, loved and have fun.
  • Women's Ministry. Information and support given on issues that affect women: health, domestic violence, child care, relationships with their children and significant other, etc.
  • Christ Centered Substance Abuse Recovery Ministry. The program helps those who are addicted to alcohol and drugs become free from their addiction.
  • Day Care For Children. Nurturing, caring, safe environment for children while parents work.
  • Prison Ministry. Tutoring, Bible Studies, written correspondence, and visitations to those who are incarcerated.
  • Married Couples Ministry. Share experiences, offer support, guidance, and fellowship together in and outside the church
  • Foster Care Ministry. Recruits prospective families to provide foster homes (temporary shelters) for children 0-18 until they are permitted to return to their natural families. If that is not possible, sometimes the foster homes become permanent homes.
  • New Church Facility. Sanctuary that seats 1,000, classrooms, offices, Fellowship Hall, kitchen, etc. and a gymnasium.


Other goals would include owning and operation a Christian Book Store, subsidized housing development for the elderly and handicapped, housing for battered women and children, shelter for the homeless, hospice for the terminally ill, and a joint venture with other churches to won a Food Cooperative.

The vision is dynamic and not static for I'm always listening for the voice of God to give insight and direction into His will and ways. It is my prayer that with God's help, mercy, and grace we will accomplish all these goals with ten years.


With much love
Rev. Dr. Herbert Carey